
15.72 €
Когда Стиви Рустер злится из-за смерти старой собаки Ника, Ник бросает лучшего конкера Стиви в пруд. Но бабушка говорит, что есть лучший способ отомстить Стиви - стать Конкером-королем Джубили-парка. Ник должен использовать конкеры с дерева на старой свалке. А на этой свалке лежит тощая, голодная собака, похожая на старого питомца Ника. Сможет ли Ник спасти животное и стать чемпионом по конкеру? Трогательная история о горе, искуплении и любви домашнего питомца. Серия «Лестница чтения» помогает детям получать удовольствие от обучения чтению. В нем представлены любимые авторы, классические персонажи и любимые темы, так что дети найдут что-то, что их заинтересует и увлечет в каждом названии, которое они выберут. Это первый шаг к прочной любви к чтению.
Книга на английском языке.
A beautifully crafted chapter book, perfect for children learning to read. From master story-teller Michael Morpurgo. When Stevie Rooster is mean about Nick's old dog dying, Nick throws Stevie's best conker into the pond. But Grandma says there's a better way to get back at Stevie - become Conker King of Jubilee Park. Nick must use some conkers from the tree in the old scrapyard. And in that scrapyard is a skinny, starving dog who looks just like Nick's old pet. Can Nick rescue the animal and become conker champion? A moving story about grief, redemption and the love of a family pet. The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It's the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently. It features: varied sentences; detailed illustrations to enjoy; chapters; interesting characters and themes; a rich range of vocabulary; and, more complex storylines to stretch confident readers. All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children's reading.
Книга на английском языке.
A beautifully crafted chapter book, perfect for children learning to read. From master story-teller Michael Morpurgo. When Stevie Rooster is mean about Nick's old dog dying, Nick throws Stevie's best conker into the pond. But Grandma says there's a better way to get back at Stevie - become Conker King of Jubilee Park. Nick must use some conkers from the tree in the old scrapyard. And in that scrapyard is a skinny, starving dog who looks just like Nick's old pet. Can Nick rescue the animal and become conker champion? A moving story about grief, redemption and the love of a family pet. The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It's the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently. It features: varied sentences; detailed illustrations to enjoy; chapters; interesting characters and themes; a rich range of vocabulary; and, more complex storylines to stretch confident readers. All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children's reading.
15.57 €